Friday, April 15, 2011

all done!

By the end of today I will be finished with everything and ready for graduation!!!! I am so excited the only thing that could make this day better would be to get my results back from wreb. If I don't get those back in time to sign up for Idaho if I fail I might have a permanent mental breakdown! sarah

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

last weber day!

Oh my my! I can not believe that I don't have to come to clinic anymore. It is the wierdest feeling. I am so ready to leave but I kinda feel like I belong here. Real world here I come! If I can't find a job I will be the homeless bum on the side of the road... please feed me.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

class IV

remember that class four I said I needed... well this afternoon my patient didn't come and i called a guy to come in and he had 6 teeth and was a class IV! How perfect is that! requirements are complete!! it feels so good to be done! next weeks clinic is going to be bliss!... unless I find out I have to retake my wreb clinical exam...

lots of x-rays!

today is a day dedicated to catching up on PA's. I took 16 on my mother and I am taking a pano on my aunt. I do not have an afternoon pt... I really hope that my pt next week will be 1 quad of a four!! That is the only requirement that I have left!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


On the downward slope! I don't think that it could be going any slower!! The days feel like weeks! I didn't have a patient for the morning part of clinic and lunch felt like an eternity. hopefully I passed my WREB exam... i feel good some days and awful others. it really could go either way. if I do pass you had better bet that will be a post on this blog!

Friday, March 25, 2011


today I was CA at the VA and it went so well! the patients were particularlly entertaining and we finished an hour and a half early! I could ask for a better day! and it is showing that as clinicians we are able to be quicker when we are pushed to go faster. We had a code word... Pickles if anyone was taking too long.

friday clinic

Friday clinic is the worst! the day has seemed to drag on for so long. My afternoon patient was the patient I used for boards and I had Prof Alexander check and she felt 3 spots that I missed. yikes! I really am so scared that I am not going to pass! my only hope is that the examiners fell asleep while checking my patient and woke up thinking there was nothing wrong. ahhhhh!!!! I can not afford another $1000